Thanks to All Made This Year’s WV State Shoot a Success.


It takes a tremendous amount of work to pull off a successful shoot and our WV shoot is no different. We are grateful to Winchester Gun Club for the use of  their facility to hold our shoot. Glen, Greg and Gary Funkhouser have been instrumental in providing the trapline and labor needed for an efficient and pleasant experience for the shooter. This year the Boy Scout Troop provided a portion of the trapline labor and are looking forward to expanding their involvement next year. The Bucher’s, Eric, Melissa and Ryan have been there from the start and we are appreciative for their dedication. The staff consisting of Rusty and Zane McHenry, Bill King, Steven Sprout and Russell Lillard spent countless hours in the shoot office to insure each days events ran smoothly  managing the cashiering, squadding and scoring and options duties. Matt and Brandy Hayes, Russ Lillard, Nicholas and Bob Harden classified the shooters. Trophies and pins have to be ordered, received, stored and handed out. These tasks were handled expertly by Todd and Leslie Sauble, Brandy and Matt Hayes, Darrel Murray, Chuck Jackson and Steve Sprout. Shoot Offs handled by Russ Lillard, Matt Hayes and Steve Sprout and Darrel Murray. Cameron Bailey and Darrel Murray and “yardbird”set the targets. We appreciate and thank all of our sponsors and each individual who volunteers their time and talents, without everyones involvement it would be impossible to hold a top notch successful shoot.