It has come to my attention and been verified by same that Scorched Earth’s Shooters shot the most Single Registered targets in the World namely; Pete Landfried with 9850, Mikel Boone with 8925, Randy Jones with 8300 and Steve Long with 5450 were the top four on the list. Others at the range were at No. 7 Mike Maxey with 3425, No. 9 Don Baber with 2975 and No. 11 Luke Parsons with 2600. Scorched Earth threw the most registered targets in WV for 2023 throwing 62,675 targets.
But it gets better, Marshall County Hunting & Fishing Club shooters shot the most Doubles Registered targets in the World namely Bill King with 3450, Morgan Gump with 3450 and Michael Snyder with 3450 were the top three on the list. Marshall County threw the second most targets throwing 48,950