Sub-Vet First Team. This is Mark Isner’s fourth consecutive placement on the ATA Sub Vet All American Team. Mark is a two time WV State Singles Champion and a three time WV State Doubles Champion. Mark started registering in 1988 and has currently registered over 450,000 ATA targets. He has served as the WV delegate to the ATA.

This is Ethan Ferris’ second consecutive placement on the Sub Jr. All American Team. He started registering targets in 2020 amassing an impressive 35,550 targets in four seasons. This year he placed 9th on the first team, quite the achievement in only four years and considering he is only thirteen years old making him the youngest to make this years’ ATA Sub Jr All American First Team. Ethan was the WV Sub Jr Singles Champion and WV Sub Jr. Doubles Champion.

Darrel Murray started shooting in 1981 registering over 360,000 targets, a multitime WV Champion he holds four Singles, two Handicap, one Doubles and five All Around Championships. He has been Captain of the WV State Team several times. He also served as WVATA president for fifteen years. This is Darrel’s first placement on the ATA Sr. Veteran All American Team.

Robert Harden started shooting in 1988. He has won the WV Singles, Handicap, three Doubles and three All Round titles. Served as the WVATA vice-president, president, gun club director and currently is the WV delegate to the ATA. This is his first placement on the ATA Veteran All American Team.